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New Turkish crowdfunding record: the “Gerçek Gizlidir” movie campaign secured 136% of its funding goal, reaching TL 54,410

150 individuals contributed to the “Gerçek Gizlidir” movie campaign, which also had the most press coverage following active management. The campaign team consisted of director Mustafa Nuri and producer Ceylan Baycan, and had heavyweight support including Zeynep Atakan Özbatur (producer of Nuri Bilgi Ceylan, the 2014 winner of Palme d’Or, Cannes Film Festival), Hatice Aslan, Serhat Teoman, and Alican Yücesoy.

The “Sarmaşık” movie campaign was recently selected into the main competition for Sundance Film Festival, where only 12 international movies were chosen out of 12,700 applications.

Message from the campaign team!

The “Gerçek Gizlidir” campaign team said “We started to set up our targeted audience before we started the movie journey. There are a lot of movie fans who are curious about what we will accomplish as a result of two months preparation. We just wanted to show that there is an alternative method by which people, wishing to make a movie, could put the movie into practice immediately.”

Fongogo forward!

Fongogo continues to host inspiring campaigns. Stay tuned for upcoming projects including SineMasal (movie forum), Çöp(m)adam (recycled products by women), and Mizah Atölyesi (comedy workshop) as well as the documentary of Piri Reis, the world mapper, and the “Terkedilmiş” movie.


Fongogo ( is an inclusive crowdfunding platform, supporting any projects in art, community, design, fashion, film, technology, and tourism. Campaigners could be anyone from individuals, companies, to NGOs. The crowdfunding platform is an alternative, or a complementary, way of sourcing funds with additional benefits that include seeking proof of concept and creating awareness.

Project creators post their projects on Fongogo. Contributors allocate funds, small or large, to their project of choice, for which they receive rewards, and/or recognition, in return. Both creators and contributors have access to tools that allow them to promote their projects on social media networks such as Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn, which creates a viral effect and increases success.

Fongogo is a Turkish registered company in Istanbul with an active team. To increase impact, the company works with Ambassadors and Advisors. Ambassadors are ambitious individuals who support project creators and assist them in introducing the crowdfunding concept to the general public, particularly those who are active social media users (Turkey is ranked among the top 10 countries in the world for Facebook usage). Fongogo also collaborates with partners such as NGOs, incubators and angel networks. These partnerships help project sourcing and benefit project creators who are introduced to relevant services and support networks.



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Fongogo, III-35/A.2 sayılı Kitle Fonlaması Tebliği (“Tebliğ”) kapsamında paya dayalı kitle fonlaması faaliyetinde bulunmak üzere Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu tarafından listeye alınmış bir şirkettir. Paya dayalı kitle fonlaması ve bu kapsamda platformların sunduğu hizmetlere yahut diğer kitle fonlaması faaliyetlerine ilişkin bilgilere internet sitemiz ve Tebliğ aracılığı ile ulaşabilirsiniz. Fongogo hiçbir şekilde yatırım tavsiyesi veya yatırım analizi sunmaz, bir girişimci veya girişim şirketine ilişkin yatırım önerisinde bulunmaz, yatırımın belirli bir yatırımcı için uygunluğunu teyit etmez, saklama hizmeti sunmaz ve hiçbir durumda bu e-postanın içeriği bu şekilde yorumlanamaz. Kişiler kendi yatırım kararlarını, kendileri, gerekli belgeleri inceleyerek, yatırımcı gereksinimlerini, yatırım limitlerini ve yatırım konusu araçları yeniden satma imkanı hakkında ayrıntılı bilgiler edinerek ve her türlü yatırım kararının riskler içerebildiğini gözeterek vermelidir. Kitle fonlaması ve Platform’da yayımlanan ilgili kampanyalar özelinde bu risklere ilişkin çeşitli bilgilere konu ile ilgili bilgilendirme formları veya açıklamalar aracılığıyla ulaşabilirsiniz.